My bloggy pals

Monday, 25 March 2013

Spring is round the corner....

With Frame

Without Frame

That is the name of this piece. It was snowing and I decided I had had enough of the cold and I was gonna paint me some sun! so I looked in my garden and there shivering were some crocus & some miniature daffs amidst the snow along with some yummy green foliage  this is where I started from. I thought of the coming Summer and the bees who would be here to pollinate my flowers and I got cracking and started the countdown to Summer. Layers and time to wait for drying overnight and more layers. It was a lot of fun I can tell you and I was soon feeling warmer and more hopeful of the sun & scents to come.

I have decided to start selling my paintings scary or what? Yes, very scary. Are they good enough? will people PAY for my work? I don't know but I have to try, so I am hoping you can help me out by spreading the news on face book and your blogs (is that alot to ask?) If your friends with me on FB please share my work as I post it. I also have a place on Pinterest where all my items for sale are on display.

Here are some close ups. I have been using stencils and texture paste to get this wonderful effect. Do you like it? I have been playing with metallic paint as well so there are lots of dimensions to this piece. Thanks for looking & sharing my work around blog land Face book. Dawn xx


Ariel said...

Your painting looks wonderful. The texture paint in close up is fabulous. Love the details of your piece. Best of Luck in selling your art.

Silvia(Barnie) said...

A fabulous piece, great texture.


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