My bloggy pals

Wednesday, 28 November 2012

New Stiching blog

Hello every one *waves to you* I have started a new stiching blog. I have put a few items on here that I have made in the past, in fact this blog was going to include all my hobbies. However, it's been over three years blogging for me now (where does the time go?) and as you probaly know I already have a Journal Challange blog Once a month I share a page/spread and give you all the chance to play along with me and this has just celebrated it's 1st year and is still going *smiles* And as well as seperating my Art journaling, I thought it also best to set up this new blog for my Stiching projects.

I also set my self the task to learn to crochet this year and also use some of the beautiful material I have bought in the past (it's only being stroked so far) Any way I thought that if you woul like to pass the word along or even stop by and see what I am up to, it would be really nice to see you. I am sure some of you also do more that paper craft. I have seen lots of wonderful things you all do and if you would like to stop by and share I would love to see your stitching loveliness. I Will not only be Crocheting I will be sewing and knitting hence the name of my new blog Stitching Happiness, I do hope you will stop by, here are a few little things that you may see soon if you pop along.

Monday, 26 November 2012

Shabby Chic tag 'across the miles'

Hi, hope you're all well & safe. We are having some dreadful flooding here in the UK I am thinking of you. I was thinking of gifts, you know Christmas on it's way an all. Any way I thought it would be nice to make a tag or two, to put on some gifts to people I don't see because they're so far away, but I didn't want to go the traditional Christmas colours.

I decided to go all Shabby, I love this look so much. I found some fabby papers of vintage maps A5 size and this isn't a shop I would think I would get this kind of thing, but I will be looking much more closely Here in the future. I hope this gives a little inspiration, and reminds us that our family and friends are never too far for us to show them love, be safe. Dxx

Monday, 19 November 2012

Using stuff I forgot I had

I like to have a rummage and find things I forgot I had or better still things given as little gifts in swaps, like bits of paper sequins buttons etc.  It helps the creativity flow I feel. When you haven't been making much on the paper front for a while it's nice to get a helpful creative boost from something new and it didn't cost me a penny ;0)

I really loved this little fairy image and crochet flower. Some ink, paper a few gems, sequin and some 3D foam and there is another little ATC ready for a swap or gift. I challenge you to find things you haven't used and make something new out of it. Love Dawn xx

Thursday, 15 November 2012

Autumnal bird tag

Hello I haven't been doing much in paper crafting of late. I have been enjoying knitting things for Christmas & Birthday gifts. However, it's nice to come back to making a lovely tag, I also have some painted wood items drying ready for the next stages as we speak. So I hope to share much more with you all over the next couple of months. Here are some close ups of the tag.

On my many walks with the dogs of late I have seen birds soaring in the sky, wondering are they off for the Winter to more pleasant climates? or just going to find another area for food. So I made this tag with that in mind thinking of how they make me feel. What do birds make you feel? love Dawn xx


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